Blockbusters and Films
Movies and Cinema

Sunday 6 January 2013

Jack Reacher

There's something about Tom Cruise!
I have no idea what it is but every time I see that self-satisfied looking grin I get shivers down my spine. I think this is mainly because it's not really smug, or arrogant, or anything. It's a fake smile. Just look at the hollow eye. The man has no joy. Ever.
Basically, he's perfect for this part.

Jack Reacher (Tom Cruise, Top Gun) is an ex-army cop who discovers how easy it is to just disappear into America, and becomes addicted to no one knowing where he is (Okay, Dead-Behind-The-Eyes Cruise is perfect for this). Then two years after the last trace he left, he turns up apparently to the aid of cut-and-dry mass murdering sniper who opened fire on 5 random people on the street. Along the way, Reacher has to deal with the fantastical The Zec (Werner Herzog, Grizzly Man) - that means "The Prisoner", by the way.

Bad story, badly told. Had nothing interesting to say, no real connection to the characters, not much fun either. Really, it wasn't the worst movie ever, but it was no where near good. It also wasn't nasty or cynical, so there's no need to scream about it. It's just adding to the increasing decline in cinema..........

Due to this film's incredibly below average story line, however there are several scenes I think must have been picked out of an entirely different movie. To begin with, the first section of the movie is pretty horrible. The sniping sequence in an other movie would receive horrified applause from critics. Along with that, there were lots of fight scenes, and every one was hard, slow and sore. No background music and no over the top sound effects. Not good enough to move the film above a four out of ten, but somethings I like to see when I go to cinema.

Not a recommendation Not at all. But, then again, not all bad.

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